Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Justin and Brittney's Wedding Day

On the most beautiful afternoon in May, two very special lovebirds joined together in marriage...

I am so glad to be able to tell this story... the story of 
Justin and Brittney Huff's Wedding Day.

I can't even describe the emotions of that day... as you may already know; I have known Brittney since we were both three years old.  There is a bond between us that no time or distance can break.  We already put that to the test, and I'm glad to say it won.  She's a sister to me.  One of my very best friends, and I'm happy to call Justin that now as well.  You two are perfect for each other, adorable together, and a joy to be around.  And Justin; I don't know if you picked it up from your model wife or what, but you both are AWESOME subjects to photograph!  I don't know how you two do it, but every move you make is a good one... it was hard to narrow these down into a little preview, but alas! Somehow I have managed. (;

Enjoy, everyone! and try not to smile... {p.s. that's impossible.}  
{p.s.s. I love weddings} {p.s.s.s. especially when it's this one} {p.s.s.s.s. aren't these p.s.'s funny??}  >> that was for you, Britt... do you remember that from your letter?? haha (;


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