Happy Birthday to Charlie & Theodore, my little boys that just turned two years old today!! :D

That is, of course, an old picture, they were only a few months old there. :)
Almost two years ago, the day before Easter, I just happened upon finding these two little kitties in our barn.
Anyway! I will put up some photographs to honor my little boys for their happy 2nd birthday soon, but tomorrow I am going out of town for a couple days! So, I may not get any up until after I return.
Until then!
Goodnight! :)

That is, of course, an old picture, they were only a few months old there. :)
Almost two years ago, the day before Easter, I just happened upon finding these two little kitties in our barn.
They were abandoned, and if I had not been looking for something out there, (which I never found & never remembered what it was that I was looking for) then I never would have lifted that tarp & found them there. They were so cute! :) Theodore, (the one on the left in the above photo) was hissing the tiniest, most adorable little hiss. Hehe, it reminded me of Toulouse, in The Aristocats. :)
Charlie was hiding behind Theodore, he was actually a little runt... Poor thing, but he is big & healthy now! :D
I gave Charlie his name simply because it fit him well. It means Manly.. Haha, it definitely works for him, because he tries to act all macho sometimes. =P
Theodore got his name from the chipmunk, haha! He was so cute and fat, it also just fit him perfectly. c;
And his name means "Divine Gift"... That fits them both. :)
Their full names; Sir Charles Wade & King Theodore Riley.
Hehe, the "King" & "Sir" weren't added until they were older, when Theodore just looked like he should be called King. =P
Until then!
Goodnight! :)
Oh my goodness that picture....They were so wittle bitty!!!